Bioresponsive molecules and smart fluorophores
The controlled release of bioactive compounds in a temporal and spatial manner upon a specific trigger is a key issue for the development of targeted drug conjugates in order for the drug to display its biological activity in the targeted cell only. Similarly, it is important for prodrug strategies aiming to minimize systemic adverse effects and to improve the pharmacokinetics of a compound. Furthermore, molecular systems able to release fluorescent molecules upon specific triggering can be applied in the development of imaging tools in chemical biology.
We aim to develop novel bioresponsive molecular entities in order to develop bioresponsive linkers for drug conjugates and turn-on-fluorophores for biomedical imaging purposes.
Selected publications:
Masked amino trimethyl lock (H2N-TML) systems: new molecular entities for the development of turn-on fluorophores and their application in hydrogen sulfide (H2S) imaging in human cells, C. C. Jimidar, J. Grunenberg, B. Karge, H. L. S. Fuchs, M.Brönstrup, P. Klahn*, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, accepted. (Communication)
Trimethyl Lock ‐ A Multifunctional Molecular Tool for Drug Delivery, Cellular Imaging and Stimuli‐responsive Materials, O. Adeyi Okoh, P. Klahn*, ChemBioChem 2018, 19, 1668-1694.
University of Gothenburg
Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology
Division of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinaregatan 7B, Floor 6, Room 6155
413 90 Göteborg, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Philipp Klahn
Mobile: +46 76 618 39 14
Phone: +46 31 786 39 14