
Super cool to see a late publication from my PhD on the "Synthesis of N2-Substituted 1,2,3-Triazoles" coming out! Congrats to the coworker of the KirschLab who truely developed that initial finding from my work!


Synthesis of N2-Substituted 1,2,3-Triazoles, K. A. Kunz, B. L. Springer, P. Klahn, H. Aldemir, F. Mohr, S. F. Kirsch*, Org Lett.  2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.4c03204.



Congrats to Mervic to the acceptance of his recent work on Cytochalasin B derivatives for publication in the Journal of Natural Products! 



A warm welcome to Anestis joining the Klahnlab for his Master thesis on the development of hybrid antimicrobials!



Today Charity nailed her Thesis in the main building of Gothenburg University!



Save the date for a Spotlight on Synthesis and Chemical Biology Double Lecture!



A warm welcome to Kevin van Zitteren joining the team for his Master thesis on the synthesis of MAIT cell modulators!



A warm welcome to Dr. Neslihan Beyazit and Frederik Dombrowski in the team! Neslihan joins from the Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey and Frederik studies Chemistry at the University of Bielefeld, Germany.



Today we had our KlahnLab study retreat with scientific presentations by Charity, Aishi and Mervic, a group work on drug discovery and a barbecue!



A warm welcome to Kathi Pfeifer from FU Berlin in Germany, who will work with us for 4 month as a Erasmus Trainee!



We got informed that Philipp will receive the Leibniz Drug of the Year 2024 Award together with his collaborators for their work on: Biotransformation-coupled mutasynthesis for the generation of novel pristinamycin derivatives by engineering the phenylglycine residue, O. Hennrich, L. Weinmann, A. Kulik, K. Harms, P. Klahn, J.-W. Youn, F. Surup, Y. Mast , RCS Chem. Biol. 20234, 1050-1063DOI: 10.1039/D3CB00143A.



Congrats to Dr. Claire Jimidar, who sucessfully defended her thesis: "Design of artificial glucosinolates, bio-responsive tool compounds, and studies towards epidithio-diketopiperazine siderophore hybrids" today!



Our work on the concept of pseudoGlucosinolates (psGSLs) was published as a preprint today on ChemRxiv.



Today we had our KlahnLab Christmas Dinner, as traditional PI cooking for the group!



Today Philipp gave a talk on "Mimicking nature´s design – From antimicrobial siderophore-drug conjugates, novel griselimycins and artificial glucosinolates" at AstraZeneca site in Gothenburg. Thanks to Mario Leypold for the organization of the fantastik day! Impressive to get a glance on the activities in Mölndal! 



Today Philipp gave a talk on "Mimicking nature´s design – pseudoglucosinolates as prodrugs for bioresponsive isothiocyanate release" at the HZI in Braunschweig. Super fun to meet all old friends and colleagues!



Today our new MicroDOC UV-Imaging system arrived, can't wait to see the first SDS-PAGE analyzed.



What an intensive experience participating into the 5th Merck Compound Challenge with colleagues from GrötliLab and SundénLab! We submitted our proposal today after 48 h of intense work! I am very proud of the team and fingers are crossed!


We also warmly welcome Malte Mallossek from RWTH Aachen, who will write his Master Thesis on the synthesis of NQO1-responsive CRM1-inhibitors with us.



Philipp gave a talk at the Holmquist Symposium in Uppsala and joined the award ceremony! Congratulations to Belén Martín-Matute to the prestigous award and thanks to Jan Streuff and Máté Erdélyi for the invitation!  it was a pleasure!



We warmly welcome Martin Rander and Astrid Scaletti as new Master and Bachelor students in our group! Martin will work on the development of hybrid antimicrobials while Astrid will synthesize MRI probes! Great to have you on board!



We are thrilled to announce that Team UGOT consisting of memberes from the KlahnLab, the GrötliLab and the SundénLab at the Division of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Gothenburg have been selected as winners of the Merck Compound Challenge 2022 including a 10.000 € price. Our synthesis proposal have prevealed against hundreds of other international teams in the evaluation round and wet lab synthesis proof! Congrats to all members of the team and thanks to Merck KGaA Darmstadt for this exciting retrosynthesis competition! 



Nice to see our work on aminoratjadone derived, non-covalent CRM1 inhibitors published in J. Med. Chem.! Congrats to the team and thanks for the wonderful collaboration with Qingxiang Sun’ s team and BrönstrupLab


After 2 weeks of packing all labs, devices and chemicals our move to the brand new Natrium building is now happening. We will move together with the biology section and create a new hub for collaboration up at Medicinareberget!



Today Prof. Dr. Daniel B. Werz from Universität Freiburg gave a fantastic Spotlight on Synthesis Lecture on "Fluorescent Dyes by Rational Design and Serendipitous Discoveries"!


Today we had the Big KlahnLab Summer Party with Friends and colleagues! With a tremendeous barbecue including a German  "Spanferkel"!




Taking the afternoon off from the Tetrahedron Symposium in Gothenburg to make a tour on the Kattegat with friends! Thanks to a special day with Dimitry Katayev, Dorian Didier and Daniel Werz!



Tetrahedron Symposium in Gothenburg (27th to 30th of June)! Meeting a lot of friends from all over the world! Charity, Aishi, Mervic and Philipp were presenting KlahnLab work on Posters! 



Congrats to Wilma and Lisa, both have successfully defended their Bachelor‘s Thesis today!



Our work on "Design of non-cytotoxic 6,7-dihydrocoumarin-5-carboxylates with antibiofilm activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans", has been selected for the front cover of Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry! thanks to Barth-Jan van Rossum for the super nice cover art!



Congrats to Robert, Aishi and Anna for their publication on the "Design of non-cytotoxic 6,7-dihydrocoumarin-5-carboxylates with antibiofilm activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans", which was published in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry today! Thanks also to Hedda, Haoxuan and Wera for the super nice collaboration!



Welcome Lisa and Wilma in the KlahnLab! Both will do their Bachelor Thesis with us!



Super cool to see the cyclotron and radiochemistry labs at Radiofarmakacentralen (RFC) at Sahlgrenska University Hospital! State-of-the-art GMP production of radiotracers for tumor imaging in Gothenburg! Big thanks to Oleksiy for the great tour, we look forward to a fruitful collaboration!



Our collaboration work with BrönstrupLab and SunLab on "Discovery of Aminoratjadone Derivatives as Potent Noncovalent CRM1 Inhibitors" is out as preprint on SSRN!  

Discovery of Aminoratjadone Derivatives as Potent Noncovalent CRM1 Inhibitors, L. Jian, R. Zscherp, U. Beutling, X. Shen, S. Xu, X. Zhang, M. Brönstrup,* P. Klahn,* Q. Sun,* SSRN 2023, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4341553!



Welcome to Dr. Felix Kaspar from TU Braunschweig who is visiting for a research stay with us!



Today nobel laureate of 2022 Morten Meldal gave a lecture at the University of Gothenburg and we had the chance to meet and discuss click chemistry and beyond. 



First paper of the year by Claire from a super nice collaboration with the Nour-Eldin Group from Copenhagen/Denmark and the Thatiboet Group from Orleans/France on the uptake of fluorescent glucosinolates by plant GTR transporters. Congrats to Claire!

Artificial Fluorescent Glucosinolates (F-GSLs) Are Transported by the Glucosinolate Transporters GTR1/2/3, C. Kanstrup, C. C. Jimidar, J. Tomas, G. Cutolo, C. Crocoll, M. Schuler, P. Klahn, A. Tatibouët, H. H. Nour-Eldin, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 202324, 920.



Happy New Year to all members, friends and partners of the KlahnLab! May you all have a prosperous, successfull and healthy 2023!



Surprising visit of Claire my last PhD student at TU Braunschweig today! So nice having all my group members together here in Gothenburg to be able to clink glasses on Mervic's recent disputation! 



Today Luisa gave a talk in the MedChem Seminar on "Resting-state brain imaging by fMRI and MEG in bipolar disorder" presenting preliminary results on medication effects on bursty interactions of brain networks.



Today we had our KlahnLab study retreat in Lerum-Öxeryd! Science, Orga and Nature!



Today Mervic D. Kagho started his PostDoc in the KlahnLab! He will work on natural product chemistry projects regaridng new methods for target identification and bioresponsive moieties. Welcome and a hand with your science!



Robert's paper on new antimicrobial Entrobactin-Muraymycin conjugates was accepted in Chemistry - A European Journal!

Synthesis of an Antimicrobial Enterobactin-Muraymycin Conjugate for Improved Activity against Gram-negative Bacteria, C. Rohrbacher, R. Zscherp, S. C. Weck, C. Ducho*, P. Klahn*, Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e202202408, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202202408.



The last 3 days Philipp, Charity and Claire have participated into "Hochschule trifft Industrie 2022" in Biberach hosted by Boehringer Ingelheim and organized by Philipp together with Ivana Fleischer, Christina Kuttruff and James Hamilton. Claire gave a talk on parts of her PhD work and Charity presented a poster.



Today Philipp gave a talk on "Inspired by nature´s design – From biomimetic enterobactin-drug conjugates and artificial glucosinolates (GSLs)" at Medicinal and Organic Chemistry Symposium 2022 in Gothenburg, Sweden. 



A warm welcome to Matthias Welz as Erasmus Exchange Visiting Student in our labs!



Today Philipp gave a talk on "Inspired by nature´s design: Biomimetic enterobactin analogues for antimicrobial drug conjugates" at the Summerschool ITI InnoVec in Strasbourg, France.



Today Philipp gave a talk on "Inspired by nature´s design – Exploiting the chemistry of artificial glucosinolates (GSLs)" at the EuChemS Young Investigator Workshop 2021/2022 (YIW8) in Lisbon, Portugal.



Today Philipp gave a talk on " Inspired by nature´s design – Biomimetic enterobactin analogues for antimicrobial drug conjugates" at the 8th EuChemS 2022 (ECC8) in  Lisbon, Portugal.



Today Philipp gave a virtual talk at Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry, University of Gothenburg in the Landén Group on "Inspired by nature´s design – Natural product derived drugs, tailormade drug-conjugates and designed bioresponsive probes for treatment and diagnosis of diseases."



Welcome back! Today Charity started the continuation of her PhD at University of Gothenburg after a 3 month research stay in the PagetLab at INSERM/Université de Tours.



We are currently looking for a PostDoc in Natural Product Chemistry and Chemical Biology starting in October 2022 in Gothenburg.  



Today we made a group trip to Stora Amundön going fishing and having a barbecue!



Today Philipp gave an introductory talk on the research in the KlahnLab in the MedChem Seminar of the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Gothenburg! Thanks for the warm welcome in the Division of Medicinal Chemistry!



A warm welcome to our new PostDoc Luisa who will work in an collaboration with Mikael Landén at the Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry!



What an Odyssey... finally the move of the KlahnLab is done! Now we have to set up the labs and get science running again!



No Aprils Foul! Today is my last day at TU Braunschweig! The move is prepared, everything is packed and soon we will start our journey in Gothenburg/Sweden! I will keep Braunschweig, the TU BS, the Institute and all colleagues in good memory! Thanks for the support and collaboration!



Today Robert has defended his PhD with summa cum laude! Thanks to Daniel Werz, Matthias Tamm and Philipp Heretsch for the examination and review of the dissertation and all the best for Roberts future in Industry! 


You are an Ukrainian researcher with a PhD in organic, medicinal or natural product chemistry? Here is an opportunity to come with me to the University of Gothenburg (starting in April) in Sweden and perform research for 3 years! The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research provides grants for Ukrainian researchers!

Please contact me, I will support your application and we will receive a decision within one month.


#standwithukrania #ukrainianresearcher #sci_for_Ukraine



Today Robert's and Claire's review article on "Advances in the synthesis of enterobactin, artificial analogues and enterobactin-derived antimicrobial drug conjugates and imaging tools for infection diagnosis" got accepted at Thieme's Synthesis Journal. Congrats to both! 



Today Philipp gave a virtual talk on "Inspired by nature´s design – Exploiting the chemistry of artificial glucosinolates" at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.



Today Claire presented her work on artificial glucosinolates on a poster at the 34. Irseer Naturstofftagung!



Today Elmira has her last day of work in the Klahnlab. Thanks for your passion and contribution over the last 3 years. We wish you all the best for your new job in industry! 



I am happy and thrilled to announce that I will join the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg as Associate Professor for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology in April 2022! KlahnLab moves to Sweden!

I am grateful to all my current and former group members, my mentors (Stefan Schulz, Mark Broenstrup, K.C. Nicolaou and Stefan Kirsch), my colleagues, collaborators, supporters and friends, who went this way together with me and contributed their piece to my happiness today! Thanks to TU Braunschweig and the IOC for the support!

Thanks to my wife Luisa and my son Paul who supported me during the last 11 and 3 years, respectively, and will join me and probably four of my current coworkers in this new endeavor in Sweden!



Today Philipp gave a virtual talk at TU Dresden on " Inspired by nature's design; Biomimetic enterobactin analogues for antimicrobial drug conjugates"! Thanks to Tobias Gulder for the invitation it was a pleasure!



Congrats to Mervic! His work on "Total Synthesis via Biomimetic Late-Stage Heterocyclization: Assignment of the Relative Configuration and Biological Evaluation of the Nitraria Alkaloid (±)-Nitrabirine" is finally published in JOC.



Today Philipp gave a online talk on "Inspired by nature´s design: Biomimetic enterobactin analogues for antimicrobial drug conjugates”on the European Conference of Natural Products 2021.



Today Mervic present his recent work on the total synthesis of nitraria alkaloids at the WIFO 2021 online event! 


Good to see all your faces at the KlahnLab Barbecue! #vaccinated 


Congratulations to Mervic, who received an elongation of his DAAD fellowship today!



Congrats Robert, his article on "Biomimetic enterobactin analogue mediates iron-uptake and cargo transport into E. coli and P. aeruginosa" published in Chemical Science was highlighted as ChemSci Hot Paper!


Furthermore, the beautiful scientific artwork done by Ella Maru Studios was selected for the Back Cover of the upcoming issue of Chemical Sciences!


Congrats Mervic to his work entitled: "Total Synthesis, Assingment of the Relative Configuration and Biological Evaluation of the Nitraria Alkaloid Nitrabirine", now available as preprint on ChemRxiv!



Congrats to Robert and thanks to all collaborationpartners, good to see our article on: "Biomimetic enterobactin analogue mediates iron-uptake and cargo transport into E. coli and P. aeruginosa" published in Chemical Science!



Today Philipp gave a virtual talk at his alma mater TU Munich on "Inspired by Nature's Design – From Biomimetic Enter Enterobactin Analogues and Fluorescent Imaging tools"! Thanks also to Thorsten Bach for the invitation, it was a pleasure! 


Unfortunately, our Team form the KlahnLab has not been selected for the 10 Finalist of the Merck Compound Challenge 2021, however, congratulations to all team members for reaching among the TOP 25 proposals out of 243 and thanks to the organizers for this nice Event!



Today a nice collaboration with the group of Hennig Menzel on "Enzyme-responsive nanoparticles and coatings made from alginate/peptide ciprofloxacin conjugates as drug release systems" has been accepted by Antibiotics. Thanks to all collaborators!



Today Aishi and Mervic presented their progress on the total and semi synthesis of Cytochalansan natural products at the virtual kick-off meeting of the DFG Researcher Unit (FOR 5170/1, Cytolabs - Systematic Investigation and Exploitation of Cytochalasans). Looking forward to all future collaborations with the other members of the unit.



Congrats to Charity, her proposal was selected for the Procope Mobility Grant supporting her stay at the University of Tours where she will do biological evaluation of her compounds in the lab of our collaboration partner Christophé Paget.



Today Aishi Chakrabarti started her PhD in the KlahnLab working on the total synthesis of fungal metabolites! Welcome and lots of success!



Philipp gave a virtual talk on "Inspired by nature´s design: Biomimetic enterobactin analogues for antimicrobial drug conjugates and fluorescent imaging tools" at the BiosolveIT Webinar!



Today the Team KahnLab submitted their contribution for the Merck Compound Challenge 2021



Today Philipp gave a virtual talk at the Chemiedozententagung 2021 on "Artificial enterobactin analogues as extracellular-targeted carrier molecules for antimicrobial drug conjugates"!



Today Mervic D. Kagho started in our lab as PhD candidate with a project on the totalsynthesis of bioactive alakloids. We are happy to have you in the team, lot's of success in your research!



Happy to announce Roberts 1st preprint @ChemRxiv (https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.13383125.v1) on biomimetic Enterobactin analogues and derived cargo conjugates in collaboration with Janetta Coetzee and Jennifer Hermann from the lab of Rolf Müller @Helmholtz_HIPS and Johannes Vornweg and Jörg Grunenberg from the Institute of Organic Chemistry @TUBS #ironuptake #TrojanHorse #siderophoreconjugates 


Congrats and thank you to Robert and Jani, who really pushed this project forward!



Just in time for an early X-mas gift the DFG Researcher Unit (FOR 5170/1, Cytolabs - Systematic Investigation and Exploitation of Cytochalasans) was granted today by the DFG selection comitee. As part of this consortium we will soon start the "Total synthesis and semi synthetic derivatization of [13]cytochalasans". I super excited! Thanks to the selection comitee! Let´s do some science!


Welcome back, Anna Lehmann, starting today with her Master Thesis in the KlahnLab! Lots of success with your work!



Check out Claire's 90 seconds poster pitch for the CHAINS online conference from the Netherlands!

poster pitch chains.mp4
MP3 Audio Datei 14.1 MB


Today Philipp gave an online-talk entitled "Neue Wege gegen Gram-negative Pathogene - Antimikrobielle Wirkstoff-Konjugate auf Basis von artifiziellen Enterobactin-Analoga" at the class video meeting of the class for mathematics and natural sciences of the Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (BWG). Thanks a lot for the inviation!



Congrats, to Philipp, who was elected today as vice-chairman of the Junge BWG.



A warm welcome to Shamimeh Bahrabadi, who will support our team as a voluntary intern. She works together with Elmira Ghabraie on the synthesis of novel antmicrobial cyclodepsipeptides.



Our new group picture during the Monday seminar! #videomeeting #socialdistancing


Thank you to the comitee of the Max-Buchner Foundation/DECHEMA e.V. for selecting Philipps proposal for a Max-Buchner Fellowship. Let's further investigate GSL chemistry!


Please find a link to a covering article in the TU MAGAZIN.



Congratulations to Charity S. G. Ganskow receiving a scholarship of the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation. She will start her PhD studies in the KlahnLab soon.



Philipp's perspective review  on "Cannabinoids - Promising antimicrobial drugs or intoxicants with benefits?"  have been published in Antibiotics. It's open acces!



The last two months have been a turbulent time with totally crazy working hours as our newly founded iTUBS mbH Technology Transfer Centre naconLabs was involved into the development of a prototype of a novel rapid digital infection diagnosis test within #teamdigid! What a great success, congrats to all partners within the consortium!


Please find the press release here.



Today our brand new Bio-Rad SDS Page and Western-Plot System arrived. Let's get deeper into protein and antibody modification!



Today our brand new cooled Centrifuge Eppendorf 5430R arrived and is already in use for antibody conjugation chemistry!



Today we got our brand new High Vaccum Drying Cabinet (GoldbrunnTherm 1450), which is allready in use for microchip surface chemistry! 



Today our TechnologyTransferCenter Laboratories for Naturalproduct and Conjugation Chemistry (naconLabs) was founded at the iTUBS mbH.



It is official: From Saturday on we will participate in a project for the development of novel rapid SARS-CoV-2 Infection diagnosis tests. Excited! #teamdigid



Since today TUBS is in emergency mode. All KlahnLab Members are in home office. Next moday we will start with our group meeting online. Stay healthy!  #flattenthecurve 



The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is paralyzing Europe, Germany and also our lab. The Institutes of several of our collaboration partners have been locked down and also our research is affected significantly. Seems like lock down of our institute is ahead. #flattenthecurve



Today Philipp gave a talk on "Inspired by nature´s design: Artificial enterobactin analogues for antimicrobial drug conjugates and smart fluorescence dyes" as invited speaker of the symposium of the DFG research collaborative TR-SFB 261 in Bonn. After wards he visited the Institute of Organic Chemistry at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn. Thanks a lot for invitation and hospitality to Dirk Menche.



Today we had the X-Mas Party of the KlahnLab with members and friends. Philipp prepared a three cpourse menu. 1. course: ginger-pumpkin-sweet potato soup, beetroot-appel salad and carrot sallad with caramelized sunflower seeds, 2. course: different tarte flambee (bacon/green onion, salamon/onion, champignon/bacon, goat cheese/appel/walnut/honey, blubeery, rasberry) 3. course: tiramisu and vanillia-rasberry dream. Thanks to all for the nice evening!



Today we had the pleasure to meet Prof. Dr. Helge Bode from the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt giving a talk entitled: "Natural products from bugs that kill bugs: From chemical ecology to synthetic biology with entomopathogenic bacteria".


Today we had the pleasure to meet Porf. Dr. Martin Oestreich from the TU Berlin giving a talk about Wheland intermediates in catalysis.


Today Robert, Claire and Elmira presented some of our projects at the 9th JCF Tagung in Braunschweig.



Today Philipp joint the network meeting of the Nationale Wirkstoff Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Eductaion and Research (BMBF) in Berlin.


Today Robert, Claire and Philipp, went for participating into Hochschule-trifft-Industrie a 3-day-conference in Darmstadt meeting representatives of Bayer, Böhringer Ingelheim, BASF, DSM, Merck, Evonik Industries, Novartis, Sanofi and Syngenta. Robert will give a talk and Claire presents a poster! Looking forward to the meeting!



Today Okoh visited the group as he made it into the Afrika kommt! program for future leaders of subsaharan africa! See the Tweet!



Today Philipp gave a talk on the „Design, synthesis and evaluation of extracellular-targeted drug-conjugates and bioresponsive fluorescence dyes“ at the 28. Nachwuchswissenschaftler Symposium Bioorganik at the Universität Duisburg-Essen in Essen.



Today Philipp gave a talk on the „Design, synthesis and evaluation of extracellular-targeted drug-conjugates and bioresponsive fluorescence dyes“ at the BMWZ Symposium in Hannover.


Today Robert was able to provide a first batch of 8 mg of his novel Enterobactin KL derivative via a designed synthesis over 12 steps! Now biological evaluation can start!



Today we installed "Big Berta", a prepHPLC column (Hypersil Gold, 50 x 250 mm, 5 micron)! Scale up in progress!



Today we had another poster on the synthesis of artificial, fluoresent glucosinolates at ESOC 2019 in Vienna.



Today Robert was presenting his work on the synthesis of artificial enterobactin derivatives at ESOC 2019 in Vienna.



Today we had the pleasure to meet Prof. Dr. Dirk Menche from the University of Bonn, giving a talk about the synthesis of complex natural products.



Okoh's review on Trimethyl-Lock-Systems has been one of the top 20 most read papers in ChemBioChem 2018. Congratulations Okoh!



Today we had the pleasure to meet Prof. Dr. Reinhard Brückner, who gave an amazing talk on novel diphosphane ligandes for asymmetric catalysis. 



Today our new Freeze Dryer have been installed. Enhancing purification!



Today our new Buchi Cartridger C-670 and new Biotage Select Flash-Chromatography System have been installed. Enhancing synthesis!



Today Prof. Dr. Johannes Teichert, junior group leader at the TU Berlin gave an amazing talk on his research on copper catalyzed hydrogenation and reductive C-C-bond formation reactions. We had a nice dinner afterwards! 



Today Philipp gave a talk on the development of siderophore-drug conjugates at Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS). Thank you Dr. Empting for hosting!



Today there was the Kick-Off-Meeting of the BMBF-NaPAnti Consortium in Saarbrücken. Amazing team, great projects and lots of science. Lets make some natural product derived antimicrobials drugs!



Today we did our group outing: First, hiking through the Harz from Elend to the Schnarcher Klippen and back. Then a visit of the Harzburg ruin and Baumwipfelpfad in Bad Harzburg and afterwards homemade burgers and fries and a pool billiard tournament at Philipp's home. Congratulations to Claire for winning the tournament!



Today Philipps work on Ratjadone-Folate Conjugates was accepted for publication in Chemical Sciences! Additionally we got the Front Cover picture, which was designed be Scistyle.com! 



Today Dr. Pierre Stallforth, junior group leader at the HKI in Jena gave an amazing talk on his research on predator-prey interaction between bacteria and amoebae. We had a nice dinner and wine, cheese and billiard afterwards!



Today Carinas work on artificial, fluorescent glucosinolates was accepted for publication in ChemBioChem. Congratulations!



Today we heard an amazing Inhoffen Lecture of the 2019 Inhoffen Medal Awardee Prof. Phil Baran at HZI in Braunschweig. 



Today Dr. Elmira Ghabraie is starting her PostDoc studies in the KlahnLab! She will work on the total and semi synthesis of antmicrobial depsi peptides. Welcome Elimra!



Today Claire C. Jimidar is starting her PhD studies in the KlahnLab! She will work on the development of novel siderophore-drug hybrids against Gram-negative pathogens. Welcome Claire!



Today there was an amazing symposium on the occasion of Dieter Schinzer's 65th Birthday at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg. Good to see my former PostDoc advisor KC Nicolaou as well as Laszlo Kürti again. Furthermore, inspring talks of Manfreed Retz, Ari Koskinen, Trond Vidar Hansen, KC Nicoalou, Laszlo Kürti, Markus Kalesse and many more.



Today Anna Lehmann joined the lab to start her Bachelor Thesis work on the synthesis of novel fluorescent siderophores! Welcome and much success!



Today Lorenz Wiese started his Master Thesis in the lab! He will work on GSL-based imaging probes! 



Today two brand new rotary evaporaters arrived in the lab! Let's do Science with them!



Happy New Year to all members and friends of the KlahnLab!




We are searching for new co-workers (PhD) in  in the design of antimicrobial drug conjugates. Please find the job offer here.



Today we had our early Christmas-Party at Philipps home. Pumpkin soup, German "Schweine-Krusten-Braten" with red cabbage and potatoes, nice dessert, all prepared by the PI. Afterwards pool billiard and lots of fun! 



Today Sir Martyn Poliakoff, Professor at the University of Nottingham, pioneer and expert in the application of supercritical solvents for organic synthesis and Youtube star gave a lecture at our institute. The show was amazing and the lecture hall was supercritically crowded! (See http://www.periodicvideos.com/ and Twitter-Link)



Philipp Klahn has been awarded the Thieme Journal Award 2019.



We are searching for new co-workers (PostDoc) in natural product-based drug-design. Please find the job offer here.



Philipp Klahn is now a member of the scientific advisory board of Freunde des Instituts für Organische Chemie der TU Braunschweig e.V. (FIOC).



Philipp Klahn got appointed as member of the "Junge BWG" (Braunschweigsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft).



Today Lorenz Wiese joined the Klahnlab for an intership. Welcome Lorenz and lets do some sience together!



Today Prof. Dr. Roderich Süßmuth visited our Institute to give an exciting lecture on antimicrobial ribosomal and non-ribosomal peptide natural products from bacteria and fungi. We had a nice dinner afterwards.



Watch the movie "Ohne Skript" starring Philipp Klahn and Tobias Rahm. An introduction of two young researchers from Braunschweig (2016). 



Today the future star researcher Paul Benjamin Klahn was born. Dear Paul, welcome to this world!



Congratulation, Carina Glindemann successfully fineshed her Master Thesis entitled: "Synthesis of GSL-based Fluorophore-Conjugates as chemical tool for biological questions" ! A publication is under preparation.



Today Carina started to continue her work in our labs as a HiWi.



Today Rachel fineshed her internship in our labs and will return to Utah. Thanks for your work and all the best for your further studies!



Today a local group "Mitte-Nord" of the Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer (DGH) e.V. was founded in Braunschweig. Philipp Klahn got elected as chairman of the regional group Mitte-Nord. Please find a link to a press report on the event here.



Today Okoh's Review "Trimethyl Lock ‐ A Multifunctional Molecular Tool for Drug Delivery, Cellular Imaging and Stimuli‐responsive Materials" was accepted! Well done!



Today Prof. Dr. Nuno Maulide from the University of Vienna gave an amazing talk at the Institute of Organic Chemistry in Braunschweig, we had a nice dinner and a private concert by Nuno afterwards!



Today Rachel Payne, a student from the University of Utah, joined our team for a three month internship. She will work together with Dr. Okoh Adeyi Okoh on stimuli-responsive NIR-fluorescence dyes. Welcome Rachel, enjoy science with us!



Today nobel price laureate Prof. Ben Feringa gave an amazing talk at the Institut of Organic Chemistry in Braunschweig and we had a nice Dinner afterwards!




Today Robert Zscherp joined the lab to start his PhD studies on the synthesis of novel siderophors and siderophore-drug conjugates. Welcome and lots of success!



 For the Sound of Science - My X-Mas gift for the Team!


The KlahnLab wishes evryone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Today we had our early Chrismas/Jubi-Goodbye-Party at Philipps home. Good food, good wine, pool billiard and lots of fun! Prof. Hopf joined us for this Evening!


Cu soon Jubi!



Today Okoh Adeyi Okoh joined the team as a Senior PostDoc and DAAD fellow. He will work on novel conjugate linkers and NIR dyes for biological applications.



Today Prof. Dr. Jubi John from India joined our lab for a Research stay funded by the Alexander-von-Humboldt foundation. Welcome!



Today Daniele had to leave our lab back to Italy due to personal reasons. We all hope you will be back soon and wish you all the best for the future.



Today Carina Glindemann joined the team to start the work on her Master Thesis. She will work on novel petide-drug conjugates against Gram-negative pathogens.



We gratefully acknowledge that PKs former mentor Mark Brönstrup commited us an Syro II Multisynthech Peptisynthesizer as a loan. The robot is already installed and first peptides are produced.



PK's new NPR review on: Bifunctional antimicrobial conjugates and hybrid antimicrobials is published and our new prepHPLC is installed today.



Today Daniele Rapisarda joined the lab to start his PhD studies on the synthesis of novel antmicrobial drug-conjugates. 



The lab is ready to work and the first projects have been started.



Lots of little old treasures were found during the cleaning and set up of the lab.... still ongoing!



The Klahn Lab's Homepage is online!



Today the independent Klahn Lab started. Lets get the Lab and Office ready to work!